brin's blog


The land of TUNGUZIJA both exists and does not exist. For the south slavic people, it is a land of those who have no land. A fictional figment. However, it was a former region of the USSR, now the same land is roughly known as Evenkija.

For the people of USSR it was a factual country, in fact there is an ethnic group of tangusk people. Yet, Tanguzija, as a bureaucratic region does not exist anymore.

What is a fictional land of proverbs is currently a non-factual region.

By choosing to send something to TANGUZIJA we send in into a paradox. Into a land existed as pure fiction and as pure facts.

TANGUZIJA, just like every other geopolitical classification, only exists as much as we want it to exist.

This was originally created as a part of 'Pataphysics class at Interfaculty's ArtScience in Den Haag. 'Pataphysics (with the apostrophe), is the science of imaginary solutions. It tackles the ways we tackle the idiociy of lives and sees the world as a series of exceptions.